I hope this chilly Monday is finding you all well and warm.
As you may or may not know, Eric Scheck has decided to step down as President of the Twin Ridge Homeowner's Association, and his wife Aileen Scheck has also decided to step down running the welcoming committee.
The TRHA sends out an enormous thank you to Eric and Aileen, both of whom have worked tirelessly over the years stitching together community events in the neighborhood, solving issues with the town on the behalf of Twin Ridge, hosting countless events, and being an all-around great engaged neighborhood family. We thank them for all the years of volunteering and leadership - they will be missed by the board - but have assured us that they will stay involved.
Additionally, Emabel Gund and Sarah Oh are also stepping down from the key roles of Social and Communications Chairs respectively. Kate White volunteered and was voted onto the board at our last meeting. Nannette Stueck volunteered to combine all communications under the Webmaster role. Again, a huge thank you to Emabel and Sarah for all their time and efforts in keeping the very busy social and notifications calendar going in our neighborhood. And a big welcome to Kate - very much looking forward to working with you.
This leaves us with the still open positions on the board: President and Environmental Coordinator as well as two other voluntary roles in the neighborhood: Welcome Committee chair, and someone to take ownership of the snow pole program that Erik and Jim Coleman spearheaded several years ago.
We would love to see some folks step-up and get engaged with the neighborhood - feel free to call any of us with questions.
All the best,
Your TRHA Board (Brian, Max, Jacque, Kate & Nannette)
PS: A reminder of the open roles/responsibilities
- Lead quarterly board meetings and the annual TRHA meeting held in January.
- Is the main contact for neighbor’s feedback/comments as they arise.
- Together with the board, help to create the budget.
- Approve drafts of board meeting minutes.
- Manage the timing and coordination of Spring Cleanup and Fall Cleanup for all 7 corners.
- Decorate the corners in the Fall (mums, pumpkins, and haybales) and December (Greenery balls and roping on the poles).
- General upkeep of corners and new plantings as needed.
- If budget allows, order flower baskets from Hollandia for sunny corners and manage the daily watering process.
Welcome Committee
- In-person welcome to all new neighbors
- Coordinate buying welcome gift (dependent on budget)
- Ensure new neighbors are aware of all the resources on the website (https://twinridgect.com)
- Field any questions about the dues and what they fund in the neighborhood
Snow Pole Program
- With Communications, put out a call to neighbors interested in poles for their properties
- Deliver poles to any neighbors requesting them
- Install and Remove poles at each of the 7 corners in the neighborhood (Fall and Spring)
- Buy news ones as needed (dependent on budget)
- Store poles for summer